The Aladdin ~ Las Vegas, Nevada
June 29, 2002

I waited hoping someone else would send you a review of this show that

might have a better opinion of it than my own. You know my admiration for

Dan as an artist is as true as the sky is blue (even when covered by clouds

and hidden from us). I like to keep that high opinion of this artist at all

times, and my review couldn't possibly be as good as I would like it to be.

I almost went to The Grove show instead of Vegas, especially after learning

of John Entwistle passing away. Then on a last minute whim, I made a pledge

to myself to always see him in Vegas (my second home town) if he appears. I

didn't fudge on that pledge. I took off the morning of the show, 109

degree's that day, and hit Vegas 3 hours before the show was to start. I had

to shower, change, gamble, and make my way to the show. There's nothing

better than seeing one of those huge lighted advertising monsters out in

front of the casino with a GFTW video playing on it with Dan's name in

lights, except for actually seeing the concert.

I think I was one of the first one's there. It was a huge theater and had

wonderful staff taking each person to their seat. I didn't believe there

was any way it would fill up, but when the opening act hit the stage, the

theater had about 2000 people in a 7 or 8 thousand seat theater. This was

hard on sound quality, and obviously someone hit the volume knob on the

bassists amp, or the Equalizer bass end, because all during this concert

every time the bass player hit an E string note of any kind up or down the

neck, the entire rest of the band was drowned out by distortion of a massive

amount. I don't blame Dan for the problem at all, it's the problem of the

people adjusting the sound while he's on stage. I was shocked at how many

people actually stayed with the sound being as horrible as it was. I would

almost bet money not a single band member knew it was that bad, (if you've

played with monitors, you know they are on a totally different level setting

than the speakers for the crowd, and so you don't really hear anything but

what you want/need to hear while playing on stage. Anyway, all this

complaining isn't what a review is about. Dan was again dealing with

something he had to overcome, and did it like the pro he is. Just seconds

before starting The Reach, his tech and he were exchanging guitars, and

hooking up cables, when Dan was attacked by a guitar, it took a cheap shot at

him while his guard was down and gave him a real whoppin' right above his

right eye. The Reach was played with blood rolling down his face, yet it was

played flawlessly. The knot above his right eye was seen growing before our

very eyes, and so off stage he was ushered where he was OK'd to continue by

his cut doctor (who did a great job at stopping the bleeding, getting him in

another shirt, and back on stage. I know how at times you just don't want to

be somewhere when you aren't on top of your game, like hurling in a bucket

backstage from the flu while playing Stairway To Heaven, (which is Ironic in

a way only warped musicians find it to be). Dan cut 3 or 4 songs out of the

show, which didn't help out my attitude concerning the lousy sound set up for

the bass. His solo piano playing (which did not include To The Morning) was

quite beautiful and sounded as great as I've ever heard a piano he's played

in concerts I've seen. His solo songs on acoustic were good, his voice was

great, and yet, I can't put my finger on what was missing. I will do my best

to see Dan in Vegas every time he goes, I just hope that should he play the

Aladdin again he go out to section 106 Row "S" and sit and listen to what the

bass levels do to the sound system out there. I'm sure had he my seat in the

concert that night, he would have got up and left the show. I'm glad to have

seen Dan this tour, I loved his leads on guitar, the drummer was great, hell,

the bassist was great, but someone should have clued the sound people in on

how distorted it was sounding on the bass players side of the theater. I

didn't meet up with any of the Dan fans, it was a rush there rush home

situation for me, so I needed sleep and an early start the next day to keep a

promise to my grandmother who has terminal Cancer (without ever having smoked

a day in her life). Anyway, Dan hopefully will enjoy the rest after such a

long schedule, and find the energy to polish that album on the shelf up to

his standards, and let it shine real soon. I'll be looking forward to the

next time he goes out on the road, because I have never been one that

believes one bad show makes an artist not worth seeing again. No one is

above having an off show, not even Dan, luckily this was my first one after

all these years. I have no reason to complain, and still appreciate the

effort this great artist did put forth that a lot of stars wouldn't have done

after getting the injury he did above that eye.


Rick Nolan