Artistry From Skeldale Farms


I found this old window in our barn and it was the first thing I painted. I just started slinging leftover red and yellow latex and carved it with a chisel when it dried. It was purely therapeutic.

After that I decided slinging paint was fun and that's how I got started. 

The paintings next to it were also accidental. I found the frames at a junk shop and just started painting whatever came to mind. There were prints already in them and I didn't even take them out, I just painted right over them.

Being pleased with the outcome I decided they were worth hanging a dark corner.

Any shading there is arbitrary as I wasn't looking at anything at the time. Now I'm working on painting what I see.       ~Kim


When we lived in Tucson
Fred decided to take a sculpture class,
and look what
he brought home after just a few weeks.


I came home with lumpy pinch pots.




Emma wanted me to paint something just for her so this sits on her bureau in an old, cheap frame.

I'm planning to paint something nice for her before Christmas.

This is another product of my imagination.

I'm still vowing to start painting what I see, but I guess for now I see what's in my imagination.




A raku mask that hangs on our wall.

This is also the product of Fred's hands.

~ Kim



                   ~~ HYDRANGEAS ~~


This happened on my watercolor sketch pad and although I like it,

it's closely surrounded by doodles so it's not matted or framed.





Another of Fred's Native American raku men.

It's quite large and heavy.

~ Kim



~ Sophie ~

~ Jack ~

~ Emma ~

Hair is pretty hard for me so basically.

I ignore it as much as possible!

One day it will click.

Sophie and Jack are of course much better looking in person!
