One Small Thread


If I were to write a song about the heaven and the stars

You would be the melody that inspires me

And if I was to write a tune about what true love really is

You would be the rhythm to the beating of my heart


I could change the tempo some or even change the name

Still it wouldn’t matter much the words would stay the same

They will always say…I love you


The hundred times I wrote this song the new ones and the old

All are bound by one small thread I never knew was there

Through my life I’ve followed it this fragile thread of gold

I followed it to where it led and its song brought me to you


I could change the tempo some or even change the name

Still it wouldn’t matter much the words would stay the same

They will always say I love you


If I were to write a song about the heavens and the stars

You would be the melody that inspires me

And if I were to write a tune about what true love really is

You would be the rhythm to the beating of my heart.

Copyright © 2002 Tim Brewer

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