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I saw a man in the woods
Cleaning the glass in his car
I looked at the trees
And then I could see
He would never quite see that far

Now I looked at myself
Looking at him
And then I looked back at me
Not really knowing
What this lonely man might see

Just deceptions in our eyes
Just a thin disguise
Of what is really true
Perceptions of what is not
Do we see through
The black to the blue

So quick to judge
We're left with sludge
Cloudiness blinding our sight
Oh we "know" the answers
To the questions unasked
Yet the man with clean glass
May be right

So I clean my glass
The eyes to my soul
So that I may more clearly see
Then the lonely man
May look my way and say
"There is a man that sees."

Just deceptions in our eyes
Just a thin disguise
Of what is really true
Perceptions of what is not
Do we see through
The black to the blue
Do we see through
The black to the blue
Do we see through
The black to the blue

Copyright © 2002 Brett Martin Smith
Barely Able But Plenty Willing Music

I started out writing this song and thinking what a fool the man was washing his windows of his car while he could be soaking in the beauty of nature as we happened across each other in the woods... ...but then the Muse showed me the errors of my thoughts and the song turned out much different. The background picture shows that from a distance we may be hidden from, or see only a small portion of the beauty that lies beneath.